Archive | January, 2013

Advancing In Your Career

22 Jan

George Marchelos is a successful service consultant. Throughout the years, he has advanced in his career and made his way up the ladder. By having a strong career plan with time frames set in place gives you the opportunity to advance in your career. One of the best things you can do for your career is to have a good and strong work ethic. If you are trying to get noticed at work, do the best job that you can possibly do. This will help build your reputation of excellence. Be passionate about what you are doing. It may not be the job of your dreams, but when you have passion, it shows. When you follow your passion, the money just seems to come into place. Have a strong career plan. By evaluating your career path and what you wish to accomplish you put you in line with achieving your goals.

Tips For Great Salesmen

18 Jan

George Marchelos is known for his great sales skill. In order to fine tune your sales skills, you must educate yourself on proper sales techniques. You should map out your sales process for approaching a particular client before you start anything else. ou take a call from a prospect. You should gather information about them, to establish if and how you might be able to help them, and give them some information about your business. Send them or direct them to relevant information as a follow up to your initial conversation. You might send them an email with a link to an article on your website.  If you believe you can help them ask to see them. You need dedicated time with them to find out more about their business. You might offer an initial consultation free of charge if this is appropriate.