Archive | February, 2013

Visiting Venezia

21 Feb

George Marchelos - Visiting VeneziaSales is no easy task and George Marchelos Sales Manager knows exactly what it takes to be successful in sales. Although George stays busy with work, he is able to do a bit of traveling. In fact, the beautiful land of Italy is in his near future. Each year, millions of people flock to Italy, and really, who can blame them?

When you think of Italy, more than likely you picture good cuisine, great wine and lovely landscapes. The fact is that this describes Italy perfectly. One popular destination is Venice (Venezia). Venice is known as a floating city because it consists of hundreds of little islands linked together through canals. When walking through the channels of Venice, you will see great shops, delicious cafes and the well known tabacchi stores. If you are planning a trip to Venice, be sure you plan enough time to take in all the sights. Once you leave the floating city, you will be counting down the days until you can go back and visit again.

Tips For Beginner Skiers

20 Feb

George Marchelos - Tips For Beginner Skiers

If there is one thing that George Marchelos loves, it’s skiing. Skiing can be a fun activity and takes just a little practice before you can successfully glide down a mountain. If you are a beginner, there are a few tips to help you make the most out of your first skiing trip. Most importantly, stick with the beginner tracks. There is nothing quite like taking a lift to the top of a mountain and realizing you have to make it down in one piece. When it comes to skiing, just remember a little thing called gravity. It will pull you down that mountain in heartbeat, so be prepared. Snow tends to be slippery, so work on finding a balance and stance that is comfortable but stable enough to move. As a beginner, try sticking to the green slopes.

Improving Your Work Ethic

12 Feb

George Marchelos - Improving Your Work Ethic

George Marchelos knows that without a strong work ethic, you will not get very far in the business word. Work ethic is a term we often hear, but what exactly does it mean? Work ethic refers to a set of values based on hard work and due diligence. It is also the belief in the moral benefit of work and its ability to enhance character. A good work ethic can include being reliable, having initiative or pursuing new skills.

Workers that exhibit a good, strong work ethic are usually the ones who are selected for better positions, more responsibility and promotions. If you want to be successful, a strong work ethic is a must. To build a strong work ethic is persistence. By building persistence, it is similar to building endurance for a race. You slowly train yourself to work harder and longer. Persistence should always be followed by periods of rest. Figure out how long you are able to efficiently work. When do you begin slowing down? By measuring this you can then begin working on improving.

Focus is another big part of building a strong work ethic. It can be tiring focusing all of your energies for a short period of time however, combined with persistence can make for a powerful combination. Part of a good work ethic is knowing how to effectively manage your time. When you have proper time management skills set in

place you can easily eliminate distractions in order to be more productive. There is no room for procrastination in good work ethic or time management. Good work ethic means having the attitude of “do it now”. Be sure not to procrastinate when you have a list of To-Do’s sitting waiting to be completed because this is usually when everything begins piling up.

Time Management Tips

12 Feb

George Marchelos knows that for any business person, it is essential to know how to best manage your time in

George Marchelos - Time Management TIpsorder to be successful in what you do. Without proper time management skills in place, you can find yourself stretched thin and stressed out. Although you can not eliminate all the distractions in your life, you can learn how to better manage your time in order to be as efficient as possible. But how do you do so? Below are a few tips that can help you better manage your time.

Before you start, you first must know where you are spending your time. For a weeks time, carry a journal with you to jot down thoughts, conversations and activities you do on a regular basis. This help you see how much time is actually spent producing results and how much of your time is wasted. Start an appointment book. Create a time for yourself for high priority situations. Schedule exactly when they will begin and end and stick with it. Schedule time for interruptions. Of course you will be pulled from your work throughout the day, so pencil this kind of time in. At the beginning of each day, spend between 15 to 30 minutes planning your day to day activities and don’t start your day until the list is complete. This is the most important time of your day. Schedule time to schedule time.

Before you make any call, take five minutes in order for you to determine what results you want to attain. Take five minutes after each call to decide whether your desired results were achieved. If not, how can you do so the next call? When you absolutely have to get work done, don’t hesitate putting up a do not disturb sign.